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Design - Rendering feature

Applications can render pages on server side or on browser side.

Render engine accepts rendering plugins:


Rendering is the process of making an Html content.

Devapt allows you to render page content on the server or on the browser side or all both together.

Devapt rendering is a set of pure functions which take settings, state and context.

Devapt rendering is stateless and isomorphic component classes with simple signature:

All rendering functions update a virtual dom tree based on virtual-dom. Rendered virtual nodes are stored in a RenderingResult instance. On server side rendering, RenderingResult instance is serialized and given to the browser to update the browser dom tree. On browser side, rendering is processed by Component classes which update the real dom tree and manage UI interactions (user actions, stream events...).

A work in progress is to give plugins component class to the browser with browserify build process.

At startup

A page is rendered by the server and send to the browser.

The initial page contains:

Devapt bootstrap script calls:

window.devapt().on_dom_loaded( window.devapt().create_runtime )
window.devapt().on_runtime_created( window.devapt().render_page_content )
window.devapt().on_content_rendered( window.devapt().init_anchors_commands )

First line create Devapt runtime, load initial Redux state.

Line two render initial content and initialize router current path:


Line three update anchors path with application url prefix.

Rendering result process

At startup <DIV id="content"> is empty and initial RenderingResult contains a virtual tree of the "content" tag.

For example, "content" virtual tree children can contain:

First children components are created and intialized with a vnode:

// REMOVE "content" existing children

var compo_a = window.devapt().ui("menubar")
compo_content.get_dom_element().appendChild( compo_a.get_dom_element() )

var compo_b = window.devapt().ui("separator")
compo_content.get_dom_element().appendChild( compo_b.get_dom_element() )

var compo_c = window.devapt().ui("table")
compo_content.get_dom_element().appendChild( compo_c.get_dom_element() )

Rendering component

Each rendering component is a base class of devapt/src/browser/Component. A Component has a private Rendering instance named "_rendering" which manage dom and vnode rendering actions.

const component_instance = window.document.devapt().runtime().ui().get_component_class(class_name)
const c = new component_class(settings)

Devapt comes is a set of rendering components but it is expandable with plugins for foundation-site, cytoscape...


For example, at the beginning you have a /myapp/home route to display your home page.

Server receives a /myapp/home request:

After you choose a menu item with a route command as

assuming you have an application whith the /myapp route.

Browser has append a route for each command at startup, so browser process the requested route and call UI instance method:

window.document.devapt().runtime().ui().render_with_middleware(cmd, "/myapp/page2", "mypage2service")

If you choose a menu item with a view command as



Usable but work in progress. Need Test, Optimization and code review.

For Devapt users:

Coming soon.

For Devapt contributers:

Coming soon.

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