Reference Source


With DEVAPT you can easily develop powerfull application. Built-in features cover many important subjects as: authentication, restfull, http server, distributed services, logs, metrics... Main characteristics of DEVAPT architecture is dynamic behaviors, reactive programming, object oriented ES6 javascript, gulp build chain All of this on NodeJS.

Projects structure

All devapt-* github repositories have the same structure: a master branch with the last tagged tree, a develop branch with latest comited updates and tags.

All devapt-* projects have a common folders tree: project root\

Some differences appears between library and application folder.

Versionning use standard method: M.m.p with M is a major change, m a minor change, p a patch.


git clone git://
cd devapt-core-common
npm install
npm test

Same commands for devapt-core-browser, devapt-core-server, devapt-core-services


Feel free to contribute, you're welcome.

Check issues and solve it:

Submit your work:

If you submit a pull request, please be sure to add or update corresponding test cases, and ensure that npm test continues to pass.